BVB board member August Busse had to make an awkward appearance in front of a Dortmund court yesterday. Together with brewery director and former president Heinz Schwaben he had to give details regarding the actual financial situation at the club. The club had allowed itself to run up considerable debts in recent years. Bankruptcy loomed. The cause? Following the development of the ”Borussia Sport Park “in 1924, the Schwaben administration strived to achieve the sporting elite. Insurance policies were underwritten to the tune of 12000RM which allowed an entirely new team to be bought which then duly attained promotion into the Ruhr regional league.

This flew in the face of DFB statutes. Had this been known at the time the club could easily have been thrown out of the association. Worse still, the ”bought“ eleven was no real team at all. They played poorly, driving fans from the ”Borussia Sport Park“ in their droves, with relegation following and then financial ruin. The 12000RM loan could not be repaid within the terms of the contract. The board wanted to hide this fact as the 1927 elections loomed, but failed. The court ordered that the elections be held again on 7/1/1928. In autumn of that year the financial scandal became public knowledge leading to Schwaben and his associates stepping down (although they did technically stay board members until May of 1929). Displaying no little honour, Heinz Schwaben repaid the 1200RM loan personally thus rescuing BVB from total demise.