What kind of help is available at the stadium?

Do you feel unsafe, threatened or harassed? Do you need help or support? Then ask for "PANAMA".

You can ask for help by saying "PANAMA" to the following people:

  • Team PANAMA,
  • Security services,
  • Service staff at a kiosk or mobile service staff,
  • Volunteers,
  • Paramedics,
  • Fan representatives
  • Fan project team

Just say "PANAMA" and the staff will help you.

What does this help look like?

  • If you are in a situation in which you feel comfortable, unsafe or harassed, we'll get you out of the situation if you ask us.
  • We can accompany you to our PANAMA room, where you can rest and get help from the emergency psychosocial care providers of the German Red Cross.
  • We can also accompany you directly to the first-aid room.
  • We can call your friends.
  • If you want to leave the stadium, we can accompany you.
  • If you want to make a report to the police, we will also support you in this.

We tailor the help to your needs and wishes. Nothing happens without your consent!

If you would like to contact us after the match, feel free to write to us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Here are the contact persons for "PANAMA":

We want to continuously improve our services and are asking for your help!

Have you been in a situation where you asked for "PANAMA?’’

We would like to further develop our services so that we can continue to provide you with the best possible support in future. You can give us your feedback here.