For people with a disability, the war in Ukraine is even more terrible than it is for everyone else. That is why Caritas Dortmund brought twelve women with disabilities and three carers from Ukraine to Dortmund-Nette in March. Thanks to a donation of €7,000 from the BVB Foundation to the Caritas Association in Dortmund, the Ukrainian women can now look forward to a weekend on the Baltic Sea next year. The contact between Caritas and "leuchte auf" was established via BVB's fan and promotion department, and is also helping Caritas by sending 150 T-shirts and 100 books.

The existing housing in Ukraine near Kyiv was completely destroyed by bombs. Regardless of the further course of the war, a return of the women to their home country in the near future is unlikely. In addition to their existing mental limitations, the acts of war were highly traumatic, making it all the more important to help find accessible opportunities for people with similar issues to help take their mind off what they have been through by organising targeted leisure activities, as well as professional medical assistance. That is why the Caritas Association is looking to lay on various excursions and leisure activities, including trips to the cinema, a visit to the chocolate museum in Cologne and the trip to the Baltic Sea. The latter was made possible for March next year thanks to a "leuchte auf" donation – and not only that: the excursion also ensures that all participants can see the sea with their own eyes for the very first time.

Background to the Caritas Association in Dortmund

The project's sponsor, the Caritas Association in Dortmund, employs more than 2,400 people in over 50 departments and institutions and is a Catholic institution that provides charitable welfare care. The association is involved in care for the elderly, support for children, young people and families and assistance for the disabled, as well as vocational integration. Against the background of the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the project's sponsor is actively providing assistance in the care of Ukrainian refugees.

In March 2022, Caritas Dortmund brought twelve refugee women aged between 17 and 37 years with mental disabilities and three caregivers to the St. Josaphat care home in Dortmund-Nette. Since then, the group have been looked after by Caritas.