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Second construction phase formally inaugurated: "Training and instruction are our foundation"

Almost five years after the completion of the first construction phase of the training ground "Hohenbuschei" in Brackel, a new building for the first team was officially inaugurated on Wednesday. "With the completion of the training centre we now also show the public that the philosophy of Borussia Dortmund has sustainability," emphasized BVB chairman Hans-Joachim Watzke. "We are proud of what has been created here in the last couple of years."

Hans-Joachim Watzke and Dortmund Mayor Ullrich Sierau.

In cooperation with the public utilities (DSW21), a two-story building was added to the site comprising an area of 1.300 square metres that will exclusively be used by the professional players. On the 18 hectare area in the east of the city, formally used by the British Rhine Army, another training ground was built in addition to the five large and two small pitches of which some have undersoil heating.

"Training and instruction are our foundation," emphasized Watzke. "From eight-year-olds to the pros, we now have all on one facility. This is intended, but it´s not standard in the league." This closeness is supposed to create incentives. "When you see the shining eyes of the U9 players," said Watzke," you know that this is the right way to go."

Amateur and youth players now have twice as much space as in the "old" building,

The BVB chairman at the lectern in front of a 10-metre high wall covering a sensational Signal Iduna Park scene (photo by Ralf Ibing) and creating a stadium-like atmosphere in the gym!

and the professional players have an even better training facility at their disposal. "In 2006 we build what was urgently needed," said Hubert Jung, chairman of DSW21, in regard to the economic restraints at the time. Experiences from the first construction phase, which was completed under great cost pressure in 2006 and was therefore not the optimal solution, were used in the construction of the new building for the first team. "And this was rewarded with the BDA award from the Bund der Deutschen Architekten as we achieved a high design quality in spite of a small budget," said architect Christoph Helbich.

"Michael Zorc and Jürgen Klopp have shown how to spend a lot of money in a purposeful way," said Watzke with a wink, and Dortmund Mayor Ullrich Sierau noticed, "The new building symbolises that the club is a on the right track." And as far as the training ground concerns, the road has not necessarily reached the end. "There are still good ideas for further development," said Hubert Jung.

Head coach Jürgen Klopp in the BVB first team dressing-room. [pictures: firo]