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BVB and Marco Rose part company

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Bundesliga club Borussia Dortmund and coach Marco Rose will part company. This decision is the outcome of an intensive season analysis conducted by Rose, Hans-Joachim Watzke (chief executive officer), Michael Zorc (sporting director), Sebastian Kehl (head of the licensed player department) and Matthias Sammer (external consultant) on Thursday.

"The day was not an easy one for all of us, as we have all held each other in high regard and continue to do so. After a season that was unsatisfactory for various reasons, we were forced to conclude that we did not achieve the maximum possible in many areas," said Hans-Joachim Watzke. "Despite a difficult season with many uncertainties, I was convinced by our path. During our discussion, I developed the impression there was no longer a one hundred percent conviction among all those responsible. We therefore ultimately decided together to end the cooperation," said Marco Rose.

Hans-Joachim Watzke, Michael Zorc and Sebastian Kehl would like to thank Marco Rose for his work, his great commitment and the trusting talks, and would like to wish him all the very best for his private and sporting future.

Rose's assistant coaches Alexander Zickler and René Maric, as well as athletics coach Patrick Eibenberger, will also no longer work for BVB going forward. BVB would also like to warmly thank them for their work and their commitment during the 2021/22 season.

Borussia Dortmund will hold talks about the composition of the future coaching staff in the coming days.