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''Morey's injury overshadows the win''

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The team's thoughts were with Mateu Morey at the final whistle. ''There is a real limit to the joy at the moment,'' said Emre Can after the 5-0 win over Kiel. ''This overshadows the win,'' stressed Marco Reus. Here are the match reactions. 

Marco Reus: ''We of course knew that Kiel haven't been in rhythm. Almost every shot we took went in. We played ourselves into a nice flow. However, unfortunately you have to say that Mateu is seriously injured. That overshadows the wins. Looking at what happened, everyone could tell it was a bad injury. Of course we hope that isn't the case! But it looked really bad. We've achieved our goal so far. If we want to play in the Champions League then we have to win every game. That's the target we've set ourselves. Now we have Leipzig at the weekend. We'll keep it up then.''

Emre Can: ''There is a real limit to the joy at the moment. It's extremely hard to take for Mateu. I think he already had a cruciate ligament rupture. Our thoughts are with him, that much is clear. He is a great lad, a great footballer. No matter how serious the injury is, we are behind him and we will support him through this. We wanted to be aggressive in the tackles right from the start and put Kiel under pressure. Of course it was great that we led 5-0 at the break. In the second half, we just wanted to make sure that nobody got injured. That didn't go so well in the end.''

Transcribed by Timo Lammert