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Fan information for Cologne

BVB are the visitors at the Rhein-Energie Stadium in Cologne on Sunday. The match will start at 19:30 CET, with the stadium opening two hours before kick-off. Around 5,000 fans will cheer on BVB in Cologne.


Arriving by train

Deutsche Bahn will operate a special rail service for the away match in Cologne:

Departure: Dortmund Hbf: 15:26 CET, Platform 20 – Boarding to start 10 mins before departure

Arrival: Cologne Deutz: 16:51, Platform 8

Return: Köln Deutz: 22:55, Platform 1 – Boarding to start 10 mins before departure
Arrival: Dortmund Hbf: 23:59, Platform 21

The KVB line 1 will run regularly to the Rhein-Energie-Stadion stop. On match day, special trains will also run from the "Neumarkt" stop.

Arrival by car/bus/coach

Car park P4 is available for away fans.

  • Address for the navigation system: Aachener Str. 800, 50933 Köln.
  • Please be sure to take exit "103, Köln-Lövenich".
  • To avoid conflicts between fan groups, please do not drive to the signposted bus parking spaces P6-P8 for home fans in the south!
  • Fees: Car 7 euros, minibus 14 euros, bus 20 euros.

No glass, cans or food allowed on the bus:

  • From three hours before the start of the match until three hours after the end of the match, the City of Cologne's Public Order Office has imposed a ban on the carrying of glass bottles, glasses and beverage cans in and around the stadium.
  • This ban also applies to the away car park P4.
  • Violations may result in a fine of 25 euros.
  • Containers for disposal will be available for fans.
  • The glass ban also extends to the catering establishments and kiosks located in the area around the stadium. The sale of glass bottles and beverage cans as well as the serving of glass will be prohibited.
  • There is also a (general) ban on the consumption of food and drinks in all KVB vehicles.

Away section

  • There are kiosks with food and drink for sale in the away area. Payment is exclusively cashless (Girocard, credit card or via Bluecode).
  • Smoking is prohibited in the stands (standing and seated areas) at 1. FC Cologne matches.
  • It is not permitted to bring bags or rucksacks into the stadium. Furthermore, there are no storage facilities at the stadium.
  • Strict alcohol controls will be carried out by the security service. Spectators with an alcohol level of more than 1.1 per mille or who show signs of drunkenness will be refused entry to the stadium.

Permitted fan paraphernalia:

  • Small flags (max. 2 m)
  • Perimeter banners
  • 3 waving flags
  • Photo and video cameras solely for private use


  • Drums
  • Megaphones
  • Pyrotechnics 

Covid rules

  • The 2G-plus principle applies in Cologne! You can find the stadium admission regulations under §9 of the stadium regulations. 
  • Access to the stadium will be through an external security ring and a crowd gate.
  • Spectators are asked to follow the designated path.
  • The wearing of a medical mask is compulsory throughout the stadium for all fans aged six and over, including at the designated standing or seated position.
  • The consumption of food and drink is only permitted when seated.
  • A minimum distance of 1.5 metres from other persons must be maintained. This should also be observed in particular at the entrance, on departure, in front of and in the toilet facilities and in front of the kiosks.
  • In the event of being prevented from attending on the day of the match, tickets may be passed on.
  • In the event of a positive test, the health authorities may request the ticket user's details in order to trace contacts. Spectators are obliged to provide this information to the club.

Contact on matchday 

Fan representatives Nicole Möller (0170 7767327) and Sebastian Walleit (0151 46505752) are your contact people on the ground in Cologne.